Why Women's Circle?
Dear Women,
Since the beginning of time we’ve gathered. We enter ritual space, where our stories come to life. Where no one is wrong for their feelings or experience, however deeply witnessed. We free ourselves from our mental, spiritual and sometimes physical chains.
When our stories go untold they live in our bodies. They create pain, and a circling of challenges. Where we face the same situation over and over without knowing how to get free. We’ve seen the women who came before us, stuck in blame, resentment and isolation.
It can feel scary to gather again. We’ve lost touch. We wonder if it’s safe. As the world let go of all that is feminine power, we turned that rage on to one another. Losing our way. Instead of letting our differences create inspiration it has deeply divided us.
It doesn’t need to be this way. The way forward is through women, feminine power (men and women), connection and most of all collaboration.
We can not heal what we can not see. We hold up the mirror to another so SHE can see. We show not tell. Our lives can look different, and most of all our beliefs can be very different. This is the goal- creating a group of women who can hold deep truth within self and not need to create a same same environment.
Most of all, these circles give us a place to rest. A space to let it go. Release. Truly, release. Our bodies have been frozen for generations. By gathering, reconnecting the release happens. The somatic experience of softening begins to take place, and we can feel and see more. This gives us space to be available to bigger issues in the world while being sustainable inside of self.
This work lights up my soul. I can’t wait to re-meet you in this space. You are so deeply welcome, and needed.
We are not alone. Our entire being needs to gather