Hello friend. How are you?
As the pandemic shifts I find myself needing more time to integrate while testing my own limits. Being someone who learns from experience, I am working to find my way back to center one step at a time.
Mental health challenges are surfacing, and as a culture we are being asked to find a language to support ourselves and our communities. No one truly knows what will happen in the future, and globally we are all dealing with this fear. A way through?
Staying in the present moment.
I have been curious about what the present moment has to teach me. The opportunities are endless, and it can feel scary. The present moment is a face to face moment of reality. Illusion can live in the past and the future, but the present moment offers TRUTH.
The one thing I have been relying on is the reality of the present moment. In this place I am able to sense and truly take care of my basic needs. I find myself acknowledging when I am hungry, thirsty or addressing emotions that I would normally suppress in order to do the next thing.
Our ability to address our needs in the present moment gives us the ability to navigate the day to day in a more gentle way. Everyone benefits when we are dealing with the present moment.
As life outside of our homes is opening up truth and reality are hard to come by. Root yourself in knowing what you need and how you feel so you can see the truth of the present moment.
Here are a couple of ideas to get you started.
Anytime complex feelings come up instead of talking about them write them out. Just allow yourself a full process pen to paper.
Lions breath. A yogic style breath where you stick your tongue out and exhale as loud and hard as you can. Move that energy.
Dance. This is my favorite. Move your body in a way that feels good and truly dance as if no one is watching.
We will get through this one step at a time. If you are just embarking on your journey of connecting more deeply to yourself or even desiring a deeper connection our women’s circles are a great support. Feel free to join us weekly as we discuss what is coming up for us in the present moment, and together we create a way through.
Take care of your hearts.